2023/24 Application for Car Parking Permit

This form is to be used to request a car parking permit.

Up to date pricing and the link to buy scratchcards can be found here

Requester Details

First Name: *
Surname: *
Are you an existing member of staff? *
Employee Number: *
Department & Faculty *
Permit start month: *
Permit Type: *

Requester Address

Address 1: *
Address 2: *
Address 3:
Postcode *
Email - (Must be your @lancaster account) *
Contact Number *

Primary Car Details

Make: *
Model *
Registration *

Secondary Car Details

Please fill in if applicable.


Additional Car Details

Please fill in if applicable.


Terms & Conditions

I understand that my net salary will be reduced monthly by the cost of the parking permit and that a full month’s payment will be deducted regardless of my start or leaving date.

I understand that my chosen benefit will continue until either, a) 30th September 2024, OR b) I experience a qualifying life event, OR c) the termination of my employment.

Please note that it is an offence for anyone to register a vehicle for a parking permit on behalf of a prohibited person.